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IMAX Classic
IMAX Film kavalkade i Tycho Brahe Planetarium, 11.09.2008 - 12.11.2008
til forsiden
Brahe Planetaruium pressemeddelelse
af: Peter O. Sevel. Filminfo og foto:
Thomas Hauerslev |
03.09.2008 |
8 fantastiske film vi aldrig vil glemme
Den 11. september slår Tycho Brahe Planetarium dørene op for en filmfestival,
der hylder det store IMAX format med 8 af de bedste film, der har været på
plakaten gennem tiderne.
Det store IMAX filmformat er elsket af mange. Så mange, at Planetariet ofte
får forespørgsler på at vise film, som er taget af programmet.
dig klar til en oplevelse ud over det sædvanlige i 70mm IMAX Dome
”Derfor har vi
valgt at finde 8 af de største værker frem og sætte spolerne på 70 mm
projektoren, den eneste i Danmark, og blænde op for det 1000 m2 store lærred
i Rumteatret” fortæller adm. direktør Peter O. Sevel.
Det bliver et gensyn med en række klassikere, der gennem tiderne har
begejstret tusinder med de knivskarpe billeder og den krystalklare lyd fra
optagelser af naturen, spektakulære menneskelige bedrifter og sidste, men
ikke mindst de helt unikke optagelser fra rumfærge ekspeditionerne.
Thomas Hauerslev, den verdenskendte danske 70mm filmekspert, udtrykker det
således: ”Detaljerigdommen i billedet betyder, at det er som at være der
selv – du er fuldstændig omgivet af billedet. Ligesom var det et vindue ud
mod verden, som en rejse. Man kan komme alle mulige steder hen. Også en tur
i rummet. Og lyden er fantastisk. IMAX er kvalitet hele vejen igennem.” |
Et kig på teknikken
plads til en RIGTIG stor oplevelse
Hauerslev besøger Planetariet to gange i løbet af festivalen og fortæller om
sin kærlighed til det store filmformat. Foredragene vil bl.a. også inkludere
et kig ind i det helligste rum i Planetariet –
operatørrummet, hvor den
imponerende IMAX projektor sender sin 15.000 watt xenon lysbue ud i den
store kuppelsal. Et lys der er så kraftigt, at det siges, at man ville kunne
se det fra månen hvis det blev rettet ud i rummet. Også lydanlægget er noget
helt særligt – 6 kanals digital surround-system på ikke mindre end 10.000 w
kan sætte hele Planetariet i svingninger.
Tycho Brahe Planetarium
IMAX Classic Festival 2008
11.09.2008 |
"The Dream is Alive" |
18.09.2008 |
"The Greatest Places" |
25.09.2008 |
"Adrenalin" |
02.10.2008 |
"The Living Sea" |
09.10.2008 |
"Everest" |
16.10.2008 |
"Grand Canyon" |
23.10.2008 |
"Blue Planet" |
06.11.2008 |
? |
Vælg din egen favoritfilm |
Den 8. film i festivalen kan publikum selv være med til at vælge. ”Vi har
valgt festival filmene ud fra vores bedste evne, men vil ikke afvise at have
overset en, som publikum særligt ønsker at se. Derfor hører vi gerne fra de
gæster, der måtte have et særligt ønske” lover Peter O. Sevel.
Planetariets hjemmeside kan man motivere sit valg til den 8. film i
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at læse på Biografmuseet:
IMAX Classic Festival Åbnet
Tycho Brahe Planetarium og
IMAX Dome / Omnimax
Sound +
IMAX Projector
og Omnimaxteater
Gammel Kongevej 10
1610 København V
Nils Arman Pedersen (89-92)
Bjørn Franck Jørgensen (92-07)
Peter Sevel (07- )
Billet telefon
3312 1224 (89- )
273 (1989-2005 )
240 (2005- )
Information og Billetter
IMAX entusiasterne kan læse mere om de 8 fantastiske IMAX film og
festivalprogrammet på
Festivalen løber fra den 11. september til den 12. november. Filmene kan ses
hver dag men bliver introduceres løbende i perioden. Spilledage for de
enkelte film annonceres på
Læs mere om historien og teknikken bag 70mm formatet på
For yderligere information. kontakt projektleder
Susanne Armand Andersen, tlf. 3318 1982.
Eller e-mail Thomas Hauerslev for tekniske spørgsmål.
er igang og man kan købe et klippekort til 5 film i festivalperioden,
der koster 300 kr. og så kan man oven i købet tage en ven gratis med til den
sidste film.
Ret til ændringer i programmet forbeholdes.
Hvorfor er IMAX noget særligt?
vises en stribe filmformater. Imax er det største til venstre.
Det lille bitte billede ude til højre er 35mm film, og er det format,
der vises i alle biografer verden rundt.
Billedet er lånt fra Stephen Low's hjemmeside.
70mm film er verdens største filmformat, og det kan kun vises i biografer
som Tycho Brahe Planetariet i Danmark, og lignende biografer rundt omkring i
Et enkelt IMAX billede, er ca 10 gange større end almindelig 35mm film. Der
er "så meget billede" at selv de mindste detaljer i IMAX film står
knivskarpt. Det er en meget intens oplevelse at se IMAX film, fordi man
blive mættet af indtryk efter de ca. 40 minutter filmene varer.
Tycho Brahe Planetarium
at sidde på en bjergskråning med 30 graders hældning og kikke ud til
IMAX 70mm
film kan kun opleves i
Tycho Brahe Planetarium og
Omnimaxteater. 240 nye og konfortable siddepladser fordelt på
11 buede
rækker og et næsten 1000 kvadratmeter stort og unikt kuppellærred. Filmene på dette lærred garanterer en
oplevelse af usete dimensioner.
og dermed IMAX Dome biografen, åbnede 1. november 1989 og har siden vist næsten
40 IMAX film og er den eneste biograf i Danmark med denne teknik. Benyt
derfor denne lejligheden til at se, eller gense nogle IMAX film favoritter
på Danmarks største biograflærred.
Program - alle film vises med dansk tale
“The Dream is Alive ”/ ”Rejsen i Rummet” - 11.09.2008
Dream is Alive ”/ ”Rejsen i Rummet” (37 min). Filmet i: 65mm, 15 perforationer, 24 billeder i sekundet.
Primære format: IMAX / IMAX Dome. Præsenteret på Planetariets IMAX Dome lærred i 70mm med 6-sporet
stereofonisk lyd. Oprindelsesland: USA. Produktionsår: 1985.
Verdenspremiere: Juni 1985, USA. Danmarkspremiere: 01.11.1989, Tycho Brahe Planetarium.
Tilladt for alle
Bag kameraet: Instrueret og produceret af Graeme Ferguson. Skrevet og
klippet af Toni
Myers. Musik af Micky Erbe og Maribeth Solomon. Fotograferet af James
Neihouse. Oversættelse: Carsten Clante, Ole Askman, Jens J. Kjærgaard.
Bearbejdelse: Ole Askman. Indtaling: Christian Mosbæk. Speakrecording: Easy Film.
Lydredigering: Nordisk Film. Final mix: Sprockets - Lucas division, San Francisco (Gary Summers)
A presentation of the Smithsonian Institution's National Air & Space Museum
and Lockheed Martin Corporation, in cooperation with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. Producer/Director: Graeme Ferguson of
Threshhold Productions. Distributed by IMAX Corporation. Filmed in space by
the Astronauts.
Medvirkende: Walter Cronkite (Narrator (voice)), David Leestma (Himself),
George Nelson (Himself), Sally Ride (Herself), Kathy Sullivan (Herself),
James Van Hoften (Himself)
Planetariets åbningsfilm. Rejsen i Rummet er filmet af 14 astronauter på 3
rumfærgemissioner. Filmen skildrer astronauternes arbejde ombord på
rumfærgen og deres intense træning forud for opsendelsen. Se de fantastiske
optagelser af Jorden, som den ser ud oppe fra rumfærgen 300 kilometer over
Jordens overflade.
considered an IMAX classic, “The Dream is Alive” gives the viewer an
unprecedented window on board the space shuttle. Shot by 14 NASA astronauts
on three shuttle missions in 1984, the film includes footage of launches and
landings, satellite capture and repairs, space walks and an inside look at
how the astronauts live in space. Experience the sensation of weightlessness
and the splendour of Earth from 250 miles up. Seen by more than 40 million
people in 19 countries, “The Dream is Alive” is the next best thing
to being there.
“The Greatest Places” / ” Utrolige Verden” - 18.09.2008
Greatest Places” / ”Utrolige Verden” (49 min). Filmet i: 65mm, 15 perforationer, 24 billeder i sekundet.
Primære format: IMAX / IMAX Dome. Præsenteret på Planetariets IMAX Dome lærred i 70mm med 6-sporet
stereofonisk lyd. Oprindelsesland: USA. Produktionsår: 1998.
Verdenspremiere: 30.06.1998, USA. Danmarkspremiere: 31.08.1998, Tycho Brahe
Planetarium. (Frarådes børn under 7 år.
Bag kameraet: Instrueret af Mal Wolfe. Produceret af Michael Cook. Skrevet
af Pamela Stacey. Musik af Chris Thomas. Fotografering af Chuck Davis. Klip
af Eric Christiansen. Producent: The Science Museum of Minnesota. Oversættelse: Elisabeth Siegel.
Bearbejdelse: Susanne Armand Andersen. Indtaling: Nis Bank-Mikkelsen.
Speakrecording: Super Nova Studiet. Lydredigering: Anders Sune Jensen.
Final mix: Masters Workshop - Toronto
Produced by the Science Museum of Minnesota, with support from the National
Science Foundation. Distributed by the Science Museum of Minnesota.
Medvirkende: Avery Brooks (Narrator (voice))
Oplev 7 af verdens mest storslåede og dramatiske landskaber, bl.a. Tibet,
Grønland, Amazonas og den namibiske ørken. Det er filmiske postkort fra en
utrolig verden.
Greatest Places” is a large-format film that takes you on an educational
journey to seven of the most geographically dynamic locations on Earth,
including Greenland, Madagascar, Namib, Okavango, Tibet, Iguazu and the
“Adrenaline Rush: The Science of Risk” / “Adrenalin” - 25.09.2008
Rush: The Science of Risk” / “Adrenalin” (40 min). Filmet i: 65mm, 15 perforationer, 24 billeder i sekundet.
Primære format: IMAX / IMAX Dome. Præsenteret på Planetariets IMAX Dome lærred i 70mm med 6-sporet
stereofonisk lyd. Oprindelsesland: USA. Produktionsår: 2002.
11.10.2002, Canada. Danmarkspremiere: 01.02.2003, Tycho Brahe Planetarium.
Distributør Giant: Screen Films. Tilladt for alle
Bag kameraet: Instrueret og skrevet af Marc Fafard. Produceret af Carl
Samson. Fotograferet af Peter Anderson, Peter Degerfeldt og Göran Widenby.
Klippet af Film Editing by René Caron. Producent: Sky High Entertainment.
Oversættelse: Elisabeth Siegel. Bearbejdelse: Susanne Armand Andersen.
Indtaling: Teis Bayer. Speakrecording: Super Nova Studiet. Lydredigering: Anders Sune Jensen.
Final mix: Pierre Roussou
Medvirkende: Charles Bryan (Himself), Jon Devore (Himself), George Morris
(Narrator (voice)), Adrian Nicholas (Himself), Katarina Olikainen (Herself),
Mike Vail (Himself),
Skydiving, basejumping, thrillseeking. Oplev en verden, hvor adrenalin er
det bærende brændstof. Få også videnskabens bud på, hvorfor nogle mennesker
er mere risikovillige end andre. Vær med, når to vovehalse bringer Leonardo
da Vincis drøm om en faldskærm til live igen.
Rush: The Science of Risk” takes audiences on a breathtaking
journey from extraordinary heights, featuring spectacular footage of extreme
skydiving while delving into both the biology of risk-taking and the physics
that make human flight possible.
Skydiving teams bring audiences along on a secure yet death-defying ride,
initiating their jumps from speeding air crafts miles above the immensity of
Florida's Keys and California's Mojave Desert. The film also introduces
audiences to the awesome sport of base-jumping, with teams of jumpers
leaping off spectacular cliffs and mountains, culminating in 4500-foot dives
off the magnificent Fjords of Norway. But more than a thrilling visual
experience, the film educates audiences on the psychological and
physiological forces that are at play in extreme risk-taking and on the
physics involved in skydiving, base-jumping, parachuting, and their related
“Adrenaline Rush: The Science of Risk” explores the innards of risk
taking in a wide and spectacular way. From the "explosive" science and
entrepreneurship of Alfred Nobel to a schoolboy’s first day in class, from
the boldness and determination of Henry Ford to the shy but affectionate
sentiment of a teen for another, ADRENALINE RUSH brings us on a journey in
the multidimensional world of risk, a world where progress of humankind or
personal accomplishment aren’t necessarily related to the scope or the
nature of the endeavor.
“Adrenaline Rush: The Science of Risk” also teaches us that humanity
can benefit from the unexpected and combined efforts of two very different
risk takers whose minds meet across half a millennium and across the
boundaries of the Old and New Worlds, as we witness the experiment of
Leonardo Da Vinci’s notorious parachute by Adrian Nicholas, world’s most
respected skydiver and inventor in his own right, monitored closely by
Salford scientists who seek answers on critical and life pertaining matters.
Incidentally, “Adrenaline Rush: The Science of Risk” doesn’t hesitate
to explain scientific concepts in simple words.
From the soaring and breathtaking cliffs of Norway to the calm and inspiring
immensity of the Mojave Desert, from Thomas Edison’s laboratory to a simple
American schoolyard, “Adrenaline Rush: The Science of Risk” is more
than a thrilling visual experience, it’s an invitation to explore our inner
selves and a statement that there is no such thing as having little courage.
“The Living Sea” - 02.10.2008
Living Sea” (40 min). Filmet i: 65mm, 15 perforationer, 24 billeder i
sekundet. Primære format: IMAX / IMAX Dome. Præsenteret på Planetariets
IMAX Dome lærred i 70mm med 6-sporet stereofonisk lyd. Oprindelsesland: USA.
Produktionsår: 1994. Verdenspremiere: June 1994, USA. Danmarkspremiere:
05.06.1996, Tycho Brahe Planetarium. Tilladt for alle.
Bag kameraet: Instrueret og fotograferet af Greg MacGillivray. Skrevet af
Roger Holzberg, og Tim Cahill. Produced by David Keighley, Alec Lorimore og
Greg MacGillivray. Musik af Sting. Klippet af Stephen Judson. Producent: Macgillivray Freeman Films.
Oversættelse: Elisabeth Siegel. Bearbejdelse: Steen Svendstorp Iversen, Susanne Armand Andersen.
Indtaling: Ghita Nørby. Speakrecording: Super Nova Studiet. Lydredigering: Anders Sune Jensen.
Final mix: EFX, Los Angeles, Ken Teany
A film produced by MacGillivray Freeman Films, in association with NAUTICUS--The
National Maritime Center, the Ocean Film Network and White Oak Associates,
Inc. Producer: Greg MacGillivray. Executive
Producer: White Oak Assoiates, Inc. Scientific Advisor: Dr. Robert Ballard.
Featuring Songs and Music by Sing. Distributed by MacGillivray Freeman Films. Japanese Distributor: Sarai Inc.
Living Sea” is narrated by Meryl Streep and features songs and music by
Medvirkende: Meryl Streep (Narrator (voice)), Dr. Judith Connor (Herself
(Monterey)), Dr. William Hamner (Himself (Palau)), Rainos M. Hayes (Himself
(Hawaii)), Steven K. Katona (Himself (Maine)), Richard Marsh (Himself
(Hawaii)), Laura Martin (Herself (Palau researcher)), Stephanie K. Martin
(Herself (Maine)), James A.R. McFarlane (Himself (Monterey)), Bruce Robison
(Himself (deep ocean research, Monterey)), Jennifer Rock (Herself (Maine)),
Marty Thomas (Himself (Hawaii)), Francis Toribiong (Himself (Palau native)).
En storslået film om Verdenshavets gådefulde dyb. Oplev farverige koralrev,
kæmpe pukkelhvaler, surfere på Hawaii eller tag med til de paradisiske
Palauøer i Stillehavet. Musik af Sting. Dansk tale: Ghita Nørby
Living Sea” celebrates the beauty and power of the ocean as it explores
our relationship with this complex and fragile environment. Using beautiful
images of unspoiled healthy waters, “The
Living Sea” offers hope for recovery engendered by productive scientific
Oceanographers studying humpback whales, jellyfish, and deep-sea life show
us that the more we understand the ocean and its inhabitants, the more we
will know how to protect them. The film also highlights the Central Pacific
islands of Palau, one of the most spectacular underwater habitats in the
world to show the beauty and potential of a healthy ocean.
Living Sea” celebrates the beauty and power of the ocean as it explores
our relationship with this complex and fragile environment. Using beautiful
images of unspoiled healthy waters, “The
Living Sea” offers hope for recovery engendered by productive scientific
efforts. Oceanographers studying humpback whales, jellyfish, and deep-sea
life show us that the more we understand the ocean and its inhabitants, the
more we will know how to protect them. The film also highlights the Central
Pacific islands of Palau, one of the most spectacular underwater habitats in
the world, to show the beauty and potential of a healthy ocean.
It is the first non-concert IMAX Theatre film to highlight the music of an
A-list international artist. A 5 perf/70mm version premiered at Nauticus,
The National Maritime Center in Norfolk, Virginia, in June of 1994, to huge
“No movie released this year is likely to contain more spectacular or
astonishing images than “The
Living Sea”...a truly ravishing experience ...like the best
documentaries, it’s a potent plea for preserving the environment.”
- Chicago Tribune
“...a mesmerizing dip into the lower depths of marine life. Captivatingly
shot with all the towering power of the IMAX process...educational and
- Hollywood Reporter
“...a glowing gem reminding us of the crucial role of ongoing ocean research
and conservation in the life of the planet.”
- Los Angeles Times
Living Sea” has received these honors:
Inducted into the IMAX Hall of Fame—Voted in by members of the Giant Screen
Cinema Association, September 2007
Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject, 1995
Gold Award—Worldfest-Houston International Independent Film & Video Festival
Gold Camera Award, nominated for Best of Festival—U.S. International Film &
Video Festival
Certificate of Merit—The Chicago International Film Festival
The highest grossing documentary film (of any format--15/70 or 35mm) of 1995
and 1996.
“Everest” - 09.10.2008
(40 min). Filmet i: 65mm, 15 perforationer, 24 billeder i sekundet.
Primære format: IMAX / IMAX Dome. Præsenteret på Planetariets IMAX Dome
lærred i 70mm med 6-sporet stereofonisk lyd. Oprindelsesland: USA. Produktionsår: 1998.
Verdenspremiere: 06.03.1998, USA. Danmarkspremiere:
02.04.1998, Tycho Brahe Planetarium. Tilladt for alle over 11 år.
Bag kameraet: Instrueret af David Breashears og Greg MacGillivray. Skrevet af
Tim Cahill og Stephen Judson. Produceret af Stephen Judson, Alec Lorimore
and Greg MacGillivray. Musik af Daniel May og Steve Wood. Fotografet af
David Breashears. Klippet af George W. Ball og Stephen Judson. Producent: Macgillivray Freeman Films.
Oversættelse: Elisabeth Siegel. Bearbejdelse: Susanne Armand Andersen.
Indtaling: Søren Spanning. Speakrecording: Ministi. Lydredigering: Anders Sune Jensen.
Final mix: EFX, Los Angeles, Ken Teany
A MacGillivray Freeman production in association with Arcturus Motion
Pictures. Presented by Polartec. Executive
Producer: K2 Communications. Distributed by MacGillivray Freeman Films.
Japanese Distributor: Sarai Inc. Narrator: Liam Neeson.
Medvirkende: Liam Neeson (Himself / Narrator (voice)). Summit Team, Sherpa:
Lhakpa Dorji, Dorje Sherpa , Ed Viesturs, Muktu Lhakpa, Thilen, Jangbu and
Wong Chu Sherpa. Araceli Segarra (Summit Team, Spain), Robert Schauer
(Summit Team, Austria), Jamling Tenzing Norgay (Summit Team, Nepal), David
Breashears (Summit Team, USA), Chyangba Tamang (Base Camp Head Cook), Tracy
Pfau (Mountain Climber)
Tag med til toppen af verden. Filmen følger en ekspedition af bjergbestigere
i deres bestræbelser på at nå toppen af verdens højeste bjerg: Mount
Everest. Det bliver en dramatisk klatring op ad lodrette isvægge og over
bundløse gletsjerspalter, undervejs er ekspeditionen vidne til den
alvorligste ulykke i Mount Everests historie.
is the dramatic true story of a team of climbers who found hope, strength
and triumph in the wake of tragedy. Their successful ascent of Mount Everest
just days after fellow mountaineers and friends died there, is a compelling
story about the human spirit and a mountain they love, respect and sometimes
fear. “Everest”
takes audiences across creaking icefalls and gaping chasms, up dangerous,
towering cliffs, through a harrowing rescue, and into the danger zone of
oxygen-thin altitude.
The highest grossing giant screen documentary of all time, “Everest”
takes audiences on an inspirational and harrowing ascent of the world’s
tallest mountain with a team of four international climbers who find hope,
beauty, and triumph in the wake of tragedy. Audiences discover how Mt.
Everest was formed, how high-altitude challenges a climber’s physical and
mental capabilities, and how Sherpa culture and tradition permeates the Mt.
Everest experience.
“Everest”’s popularity and marketing strategies changed everything
for the IMAX Theatre industry. The film was the first large-format film to
be shown in over 90 theatres simultaneously, making industry history as the
largest and fastest network-wide rollout ever for a large-format film. In
December 1998, “Everest”
earned the number one spot on Variety’s box office grosses for “limited
releases,” and placed on the “Top 50 films of 1998” list by USA Today. In
February 1999, “Everest”
reached the $75 million plateau at the box office, less than one year from
its release, making “Everest”
the fastest grossing giant screen documentary film in history.
The first of MacGillivray Freeman’s Great Adventure Films®, “Everest”
is a 40-minute film featuring the spiritual music of George Harrison,
including “Here Comes The Sun,” and narration by Liam Neeson. It is produced
by MacGillivray Freeman Films with major funding from the National Science
Foundation and the Everest Film Network, presented by Polartec®.
“Plain and simple, “Everest”
takes movie-making to new heights -- in every sense of the phrase. It’s not
only the best IMAX film to date, it features some of the most spectacular,
breathtaking photography on record. Indeed, the thrill-a-minute scenario
makes “Everest”
a must see for all.” - New York Post
““Everest”... is a thrilling account of athleticism, courage and
whatever folly it is that makes people risk their lives to prove themselves.
The eight-story-high enormousness and amazing clarity of the IMAX picture is
as close as most people will want to get to the sport of mountaineering.
Without the expense, exertion, pain and risk, “Everest”
is the next best thing to being there.” - New York Daily News
““Everest”... is not only a visually glorious and absorbing film and
a story of hope and hubris; it is also an amazing feat of filmmaking.” - New
York Times
has received these honors:
Best Picture of the Year, Best Cinematography of the Year, and Best Score of
the Year—1998 Maximum Image Awards, Imax Corporation (Best score Award
presented to George Harrison & Steve Wood)
IMAX Award for Outstanding Achievement and Excellence in Large Format
Filmmaking—Imax Corporation, 1998
Best Marketing Campaignof the Year by a Distributor—1998 Giant Screen
Theater Association Achievement Awards
Grand Award and WorldMedal for International Non-Broadcast Media
(Documentary)—New York Festivals
Grand Prix du Public (the highest award)—La Géode Film Festival, Paris
Platinum Best of Show (Documentary)—The Aurora Awards
Grand Award - Best Film & Video Production (Documentary)—The Worldfest
Flagstaff and Worldfest Houston International Independent Film & Video
Chris Award (Best of Nature & Wildlife category) and Certificate of
Excellence in Media Print (Press Kit and Teacher’s Guide)—The Columbus
International Film & Video Festival
Golden Eagle Award (Documentary Feature)—Cine Golden Eagle
Gold Angel Award (Best Adventure Film)—The International Angel Awards
2nd Place (Recreation/Promotion category)—Outdoor Writers Association of
America, North American Film/Video Awards
The highest grossing documentary film (of any format--15/70 or 35mm) of
The highest grossing IMAX Theatre documentary film of all time.
“Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets” / “Grand Canyon” - 16.10.2008
Canyon: The Hidden Secrets” / “Grand Canyon” (40 min). Filmet i: 65mm, 15 perforationer, 24 billeder i sekundet.
Primære format: IMAX / IMAX Dome. Præsenteret på Planetariets IMAX Dome lærred i 70mm med 6-sporet
stereofonisk lyd. Oprindelsesland: USA. Produktionsår: 1984.
16.06.1984, USA. Danmarkspremiere: 12.09.1991, Tycho Brahe Planetarium.
Frarådes børn under 7 år.
Bag kameraet: Instrueret, produceret og skrevet af Kieth Merrill. Musik af Bill Conti. Fotograferet af Reed Smoot. Klippet af Stephen L. Johnson.
Oversættelse: Elisabeth Siegel. Bearbejdelse: Steen Svendstorp Iversen, Lisbeth Armand.
Indtaling: Claus Bue, Dick Kaysø. Speakrecording: Super Nova Studiet.
Lydredigering: Steen Svendstorp Iversen. Final mix: Skywalker Sound (Lucas Film), San Francisco, Gary Summers
A World Cinemax Production, A Cinema Group Venture and Investmore Ltd.
Presentation. Distributed by National Geographic Giant Screen Films.
Japanese Distributor: Cinema Japan Co., Ltd.
Medvirkende: Daniel T. Majetich (John Wesley Powell), Coby Jordan (Powell
Boatman), Bruce Simballa (Powell Boatman), Stuart Reeder (Powell Boatman),
Barney Drake (Powell Boatman), Kenton Grua (Powell Boatman), Peter Dale
(Powell Boatman), Doug Lawrence (Powell Boatman), Lars Niemi (Powell
Boatman), Armando Leon Diaz (Garcia de Cardenas), Ricardo Merino (Spaniard),
Paul Rius (Spaniard), Mauricio Harmsen (Spaniard), Randy Gleave (Spaniard),
Frank Kanig (Spaniard)
En film om den største og dybeste kløft naturen har skabt. Tag bl.a. med på
river-rafting ned ad Coloradoflodens hvirvlende vandmasser.
by Variety as one of the highest grossing nonfiction films ever made,
“Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets” has set the standard of excellence
against which current large-format films are measured. “Grand Canyon: The
Hidden Secrets” captures the magnificent grandeur of this geologic
phenomenon while exploring the lives of some of the people who have
challenged its vast expanse. From narrow side canyons etched out through
thousands of years to wild white water rapids, “Grand Canyon: The Hidden
Secrets” will take you on an adventure you will never forget.
In celebration of the film's 25th anniversary, a 3D version of the film will
be released to Giant Screen and digital 3D theaters in 2009.
A spectacular and timeless adventure, “Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets”
takes audiences on an in-depth exploration of one of the world's most
extraordinary sites. Winner of the 2000 IMAX Hall of Fame award and seen by
over 200 million people, this giant screen film captures the Grand Canyon's
immense beauty, giving viewers a unique chance to forge the canyon's depths
and experience what they could never see on their own -- from a thrilling
flight over the canyon's span to a wild whitewater-rafting ride.
“Blue Planet” / “Den Blå Planet” - 23.10.2008
Planet” / “Den Blå Planet” (40 min). Filmet i: 65mm, 15 perforationer, 24
billeder i sekundet. Primære format: IMAX / IMAX Dome. Præsenteret på
Planetariets IMAX Dome lærred i 70mm med 6-sporet stereofonisk lyd.
Oprindelsesland: USA. Produktionsår: 1990. Verdenspremiere: 1990, USA. Danmarkspremiere: 03.06.1992, Tycho Brahe Planetarium.
Frarådes børn under 7 år.
Bag kameraet: Instrueret af Ben Burtt. Skrevet og klippet af Toni Myers. Produceret af
Graeme Ferguson. Musik af Micky Erbe og Maribeth Solomon. Fotograferet af
David Douglas og James Neihouse. Filmet i rummet af astronauterne på STS-61B,
29, 34, 32 and 31. Astronaut film træner: James Neihouse. Musik af: Micky Erbe
og Maribeth SolomonOversættelse: Elisabeth Siegel, Carsten Clante.
Bearbejdelse: Carsten Clante, Ole Askman. Indtaling: Tina Munch, Nis Bank-Mikkelsen, John Idorn.
Speakrecording: Easy Film. Lydredigering: Easy Film + Nordisk Film.
Final mix: Filmhouse/Sounds Interchange, Toronto
A presentation of the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space
Museum and Lockheed Martin Corporation, in cooperation with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. Distributed by Imax Corporation.
Medvirkende: James Buchli (Narrator (voice)), Toni Myers (Narrator (voice)),
Oplev planeten Jorden set fra de amerikanske rumfærger. Se de enorme kræfter,
der påvirker vores planets overflade; orkaner, jordskælv, vulkanudbrud m.m.
Planet”, a space film about Earth, gives us an experience of our home
planet that, until now, has only been shared by astronauts. Spectacular
scenes from space, filmed aboard several space shuttle missions, are
intercut with scenes of the Earth's surface, clearly showing the powerful
forces that affect our planet. Volcanoes, earthquakes and typhoons are
depicted--but it is the signs of pollution, ozone depletion, deforestation
and energy consumption as seen from space that reveal the more disturbing
human impact. The Washington Post says, "If a picture is worth a thousand
words, any one scene from “Blue Planet” is worth a zillion."
Foredrag + kortfilmen "Sacred Site" - Tirsdag den 21. oktober
kl 19:20
til det store filmformat”
Et foredrag i selskab med 70mm filmekspert Thomas Hauerslev, der fortæller
om, hvordan hans kærlighed til de store filmformater har bragt ham tæt på
bredfilmens ophavsmænd og -kvinder foran og bag kameraet.
30 års glødende interesse har været adgangsbilletten til adskillige
udlandsrejser med interviews af instruktører, opfindere, skuespillere og
deres efterkommere. Og adskillige filmlokations er besøgt for at dokumentere
historien om 70mm film.
Filmfestivaler verden over gør hvert år flittigt brug af Thomas Hauerslev's
enorme detailviden om emnet, som han også stiller til rådighed for den
interesserede presse.
Til dagligt holder Thomas Hauerslev liv i historien om de brede filmformater
på sin hjemmeside in70mm.com. Mere
veldokumenteret information findes ganske enkelt ikke om bredfilmsformater.
I løbet af 30 minutter får du lejlighed til at se og høre om steder og
filmpionerer som Thomas Hauerslev har set og mødt igennem årene, krydret med
filmanekdoter som du ikke kan få andre steder.
Site” (7 min). Filmet i: 65mm, 15 perforationer, 24
billeder i sekundet. Primære format: IMAX Dome. Præsenteret på
Planetariets IMAX Dome lærred i 70mm med 6-sporet stereofonisk lyd.
Oprindelsesland: USA. Produktionsår: 1986. Verdenspremiere: 1986, USA. Danmarkspremiere:
01.11.1989, Tycho Brahe Planetarium.
Bag kameraet: Directed and photographed by
Ron Fricke. Music by
Michael Stearns.
Produced by Canticle Films for the Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater.
Distributed by National Geographic Giant Screen Films. Filmed in IMAX
Dome format.
View the amazing color and motion of the night sky as only large-format film
can capture it. Filmed primarily over mystical Ayers Rock in Australia,
"Sacred Site" follows the path of Halley's Comet in a once-in-a-lifetime
view through three constellations: Ara, Lupus, and Centaurus. The film
captures the color and fascination of the stars with a scope and clarity
that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Kortfilmen afslutter et foredrag om IMAX film af en halv times varighed.
på Politikens Hus den 5. september 2008 ca 8:20. |
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søndag, 02 februar 2025 11:54:48 |