Dansk titel: | Original titel: | Premieredato: | Sidste dag: | Biograf: | Vist i (optaget i) | Notater |
South Pacific | South Pacific | 24.10.1958 | 03.03.1960 | 3 Falke Bio | Todd-AO Todd-AO | 3 Falke Bio's åbningsfilm
Repremiere 26.12.1960-14.02.1963 |
"Rutchebaneturen" | The Miracle of Todd-AO | 24.10.1958 | 03.03.1960 | 3 Falke Bio | Todd-AO | Kortfilm. "Rutchebaneturen" = uofficiel dansk titel.
Repremiere 26.12.1960-14.02.1963 |
Tornerose | Sleeping Beauty | 26.12.1959 | 10.01.1960 | Europa Bio, Aalborg | Super Technirama 70(Technirama) | Københavnerpremiere 70mm: 3 Falke Bio 29.03.1960-15.05.1960 |
Salomon og Dronningen af Saba | Solomon and Sheba | 01.02.1960 | 13.03.1960 | Kinopalæet | Super Technirama 70(Technirama) | |
Can Can | Can Can | 14.08.1960 | 02.10.1960 | Palladium | Todd-AO | |
Porgy og Bess | Porgy and Bess | 19.08.1960 | 23.12.1960 | 3 Falke Bio | Todd-AO | |
Exodus | Exodus | 03.11.1961 | 09.12.1961 | Imperial Bio | Super Panavision 70 | Imperial Bio's åbningsfilm |
Spartacus | Spartacus | 21.01.1962 | 01.04.1962 | Kinopalæet | Super Technirama 70(Technirama) | |
Ben Hur | Ben Hur: A tale of the Christ | 19.02.1962 | 20.05.1962 | Palladium | MGM Camera 65 | |
El Cid - Den frygtløse Ridder | El Cid | 21.08.1962 | 24.09.1962 | Imperial Bio | Super Technirama 70(Technirama) | |
West Side Story | West Side Story | 08.10.1962 | 24.02.1963 | Imperial Bio | Super Panavision 70 | |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma! | 15.02.1963 | 25.07.1963 | 3 Falke Bio | Todd-AO | |
- | The March of Todd-AO | 15.02.1963 | 25.07.1963 | 3 Falke Bio | Todd-AO | Kortfilm |
De Flammende År | Povest Plamennykh Let | 06.05.1963 | 09.06.1963 | Atlantic | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | Vist to gange under Sovjetisk Filmuge: 06.05.1963 + 12.05.1963
The Story of Flaming Years |
Det Skønne Leningrad | Neva | 10.05.1963 | 09.06.1963 | Atlantic | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | Kortfilm - forfilm til The Story of Flaming Years |
Mytteri på Bounty | Mutiny on the Bounty | 20.08.1963 | 14.10.1963 | 3 Falke Bio | Ultra Panavision 70 | |
Lawrence af Arabien | Lawrence of Arabia | 15.10.1963 | 22.03.1964 | 3 Falke Bio | Super Panavision 70 | |
Barabbas | Barabbas | 18.11.1963 | 08.12.1963 | Imperial Bio | Super Technirama 70(Technirama) | |
Hopla Vi lever | It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World | 21.12.1963 | 09.04.1964 | Kinopalæet | Ultra Panavision 70 | |
Le Corsaire | Le Corsaire | 07.04.1964 | 13.04.1963 | Imperial Bio | Super Technirama 70(Technirama) | Kortfilm - "Le Corsaire" som sidste del af "En Aften med den Kongelige Engelske Ballet" |
Cleopatra | Cleopatra | 29.04.1964 | 11.06.1964 | Imperial Bio | Todd-AO | |
En Optimistisk Tragedie | Optimisticheskaya Tragediya | 10.06.1964 | 11.06.1964 | Palladium | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | Sovjetisk Filmuge
The Optimistic Tragedy |
Tornerose | Spyashchaya Krasavitsa | 12.06.1964 | 14.06.1964 | Palladium | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | Sovjetisk Filmuge.
Spillede i Atlantic 17.06.1964 - 22.06.1964
The Sleeping Beauty |
Becket | Becket | 24.08.1964 | 25.10.1964 | 3 Falke Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Romerrigets Fald | The Fall of the Roman Empire | 07.10.1964 | 25.11.1964 | Kinopalæet | Super Panavision 70 (Ultra Panavision 70) | |
Det Store Wild West Show | Circus World | 26.11.1964 | 20.01.1965 | Kinopalæet | Super Technirama 70(Technirama) | |
My Fair Lady | My Fair Lady | 26.12.1964 | 30.08.1966 | 3 Falke Bio | Super Panavision 70 | |
Indianerne | Cheyenne Autumn | 26.04.1965 | 01.06.1965 | Kinopalæet | Super Panavision 70 | |
Operation Crossbow | Operation Crossbow | 23.08.1965 | 16.09.1965 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Disse Prægtige Mænd i deres Flyvende Maskiner, eller hvordan jeg fløj fra London til Paris på 25 timer og 11 minutter | Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines, or how I flew from London to Paris in 25 Hours and 11 Minutes | 17.09.1965 | 21.11.1965 | Imperial Bio | Todd-AO | |
The Greatest Story Ever Told | The Greatest Story Ever Told | 29.10.1965 | 09.01.1966 | Kinopalæet | Ultra Panavision 70 | |
The Sound of Music | The Sound of Music | 20.12.1965 | 05.06.1966 | Imperial Bio | Todd-AO | |
Karavane mod Vest | The Hallelujah Trail | 28.02.1966 | 08.05.1966 | Kinopalæet | Ultra Panavision 70 | |
Michelangelo - Smerte og Ekstase | The Agony and the Ecstasy | 09.05.1966 | 24.05.1966 | Kinopalæet | Todd-AO | |
- | Michelangelo | 09.05.1966 | 24.05.1966 | Kinopalæet | Todd-AO | Kortfilm - forfilm til "Smerte og Ekstase" |
Alle Tiders Race | The Great Race | 09.06.1966 | 21.08.1966 | Kinopalæet | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Shellarama | Shellarama | 09.06.1966 | 21.08.1966 | Kinopalæet | Super Technirama 70(Technirama) | Shell reklamefilm - forfilm til "Alle Tiders Race" |
Panserslaget ved Ardennerne | Battle of the Bulge | 22.08.1966 | 23.10.1966 | Kinopalæet | Ultra Panavision 70 | |
Doktor Zivago | Doctor Zhivago | 06.10.1966 | 27.09.1967 | Rialto | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | Efter ombygning af Rialto, repremiere 26.12.1967 - 27.04.1969 |
Slaget om Khartoum | Khartoum | 24.10.1966 | 04.12.1966 | Kinopalæet | Ultra Panavision 70 | |
Biblen ... i begyndelsen | The Bible...in the Beginning | 03.03.1967 | 30.04.1967 | 3 Falke Bio | Dimension 150 | Præsenteret i Dimension 150 |
Kanonbåden San Pablo | The Sand Pebbles | 27.03.1967 | 30.04.1967 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Grand Prix | Grand Prix | 03.04.1967 | 11.06.1967 | Kinopalæet | Super Panavision 70 | |
Krig og Fred (del 1) | Voyna I Mir (Part 1) | 02.11.1967 | 17.01.1968 | Alexandra | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | War and Peace |
Det Beskidte Dusin | The Dirty Dozen | 20.11.1967 | 07.03.1968 | 3 Falke Bio | Metroscope 70 (35mm flat) | |
Doktor Dolittle | Doctor Dolittle | 08.03.1968 | 21.04.1968 | • 3 Falke Bio • Grand Teatret, Odense | Todd-AO | 2x 70mm premierekopier |
Camelot / Dronningens Elsker | Camelot | 28.03.1968 | 26.04.1968 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Maskespillet | The Comedians | 22.04.1968 | 20.05.1968 | 3 Falke Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Borte med Blæsten | Gone With The Wind | 26.08.1968 | 19.01.1969 | 3 Falke Bio | In 70mm (35mm flat) | Genudgivelse. Oprindelig DK premiere Dagmar Teatret 09.09.1958-16.02.1959 |
General Custers Sidste Kamp | Custer of the West | 30.08.1968 | 26.09.1968 | Kinopalæet | Super Technirama 70(Technirama) | |
STAR! | STAR! | 08.11.1968 | 17.12.1968 | Kinopalæet | Todd-AO | |
Slaget ved San Sebastian | Guns for San Sebastian | 18.11.1968 | 26.11.1968 | Palladium | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Anna Karenina | Anna Karyenina | 21.11.1968 | 26.12.1968 | Alexandra | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | |
Bolshoiballetten - Successens Hemmelighed | Sekret Uspekha | 22.11.1968 | 12.12.1968 | Alexandra | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | Bolshoi Ballet '67 |
Oliver! | Oliver! | 20.01.1969 | 19.02.1969 | • Kinopalæet • Grand Teatret, Odense | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | 2x 70mm premierekopier |
Ørneborgen | Where Eagles Dare | 20.01.1969 | 05.06.1969 | 3 Falke Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Mayerling | Mayerling | 24.01.1969 | 18.02.1969 | Palladium | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Play Time | Play Time | 19.02.1969 | 20.04.1969 | Palladium | In 70mm (Mitchell 65mm) | |
Krig og Fred (del 2) | Voyna I Mir (Part 2) | 20.02.1969 | 05.04.1969 | Alexandra | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | War and Peace |
MacKenna's Guld | MacKenna's Gold | 11.04.1969 | 11.05.1969 | Imperial Bio | Super Panavision 70 | |
Fjernt fra Verdens Vrimmel | Far From the Madding Crowd | 28.04.1969 | 03.08.1969 | Rialto | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | Brugt MGM kopi #40 fra Radio City, Athen, Grækenland
Ny 70mm kopi december 1968 |
Funny Girl | Funny Girl | 06.06.1969 | 22.01.1970 | 3 Falke Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Rumrejsen år 2OO1 | 2OO1: A Space Odyssey | 04.08.1969 | 18.12.1969 | Rialto | Super Panavision 70 | |
Krakatoa, Øst for Java | Krakatoa, East of Java | 31.10.1969 | 28.11.1970 | Kinopalæet | Todd-AO | |
Farvel, Mr. Chips | Goodbye, Mr. Chips | 06.11.1969 | 15.10.1969 | 3 Falke Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang | Chitty Chitty Bang Bang | 08.12.1969 | 04.01.1970 | Imperial, Dalum | Super Panavision 70 | Imperial's åbningsfilm
Københavnerpremiere: 35mm World Cinema 08.12.1969-05.01.1970
Københavnerpremiere: 70mm Amager Bio 09.01.1970-13.01.1970 |
S.O.S. Nordpolen | Ice Station Zebra | 23.01.1970 | 13.04.1970 | 3 Falke Bio | Super Panavision 70 | |
Hello, Dolly! | Hello, Dolly! | 14.04.1970 | 20.08.1970 | 3 Falke Bio | Todd-AO | |
Når Guldfeberen Raser | Paint Your Wagon | 12.10.1970 | 21.01.1971 | Rialto | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Alfred den Store - Vikingernes Overmand | Alfred the Great | 19.10.1970 | 01.11.1971 | Atlantic Todd Teater | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Kelly's Helte | Kelly's Heroes | 14.12.1970 | 01.04.1971 | 3 Falke Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Den Store Caruso | The Great Caruso | 15.02.1971 | 28.02.1971 | Atlantic Todd Teater | Metroscope 70 (35mm flat) | Genudgivelse. Oprindelig DK premiere Palads Teatret 31.01.1955-24.02.1955 |
Waterloo | Waterloo | 02.04.1971 | 16.05.1971 | 3 Falke Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Elvis, That's the Way It Is | Elvis, That's the Way It Is | 14.05.1971 | 27.05.1971 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Lawrence af Arabien | Lawrence of Arabia | 17.05.1971 | 25.06.1971 | 3 Falke Bio | Super Panavision 70 | Forkortet version |
Ryan's Datter | Ryan's Daughter | 20.08.1971 | 14.11.1971 | Rialto | Super Panavision 70 | |
Liberation | Osvobozhdenie | 18.01.1972 | 31.01.1972 | Alexandra | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | Liberation
Stormen på Berlin 25.01.1972-31.01.1972
Liberation |
Det er Underholdning | That's Entertainment | 26.12.1974 | 15.01.1975 | 3 Falke Bio | In 70mm (35mm flat and anamorphic) | |
Jordskælv | Earthquake | 31.01.1975 | 25.05.1974 | 3 Falke Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | Præsenteret i Sensurround |
Dersu Uzala | Dersu Uzala | 15.03.1976 | 14.04.1976 | Alexandra | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | |
Flugten fra Fremtiden | Logan's Run | 26.12.1976 | 11.01.1977 | 3 Falke Bio | 70mm (Todd-AO 35 anamorphic) | |
Lejren går op i Himlen | Tabor Ukhodit v Nebo | 15.06.1977 | 23.06.1977 | Alexandra | Sovscope 70 (70mm) | The Gypsy Camp Goes Skyward |
Nærkontakt af Tredie Grad | Close Encounters of the Third Kind | 03.03.1978 | 08.06.1978 | 3 Falke Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic and Super Panavision 70) | |
Brainstorm - Indhentet af Fremtiden | Brainstorm | 23.04.1984 | 10.05.1984 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm flat and Super Panavision 70) | |
2010 - Den Anden Rumrejse | 2010 | 29.03.1985 | 02.05.1985 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic and Super Panavision 70) | |
Mit Afrika | Out of Africa | 21.02.1986 | 30.10.1986 | Imperial Bio | In 70mm (Technovision) | |
Lawrence af Arabien | Lawrence of Arabia | 03.06.1990 | 28.06.1990 | Imperial Bio | Super Panavision 70 | Restaureret version |
Hook | Hook | 03.04.1992 | 07.05.1992 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | |
Spartacus | Spartacus | 19.06.1992 | 09.07.1992 | Imperial Bio | Super Technirama 70 (Technirama) | Restaureret version |
Far and Away | Far and Away | 11.09.1992 | 01.10.1992 | Imperial Bio | Panavision Super 70 (Panavision System 65) | |
Baraka | Baraka | 04.06.1993 | 17.06.1993 | Imperial Bio | Todd-AO 70mm | |
Titanic | Titanic | 23.01.1998 | 12.03.1998 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (Panavision Super 35) | Repremiere 24.04.1998-14.05.1998 |
Hamlet | Hamlet | 26.04.2008 | 29.04.2008 | Imperial Bio | Panavision Super 70 | 70mm Festival, to forestillinger
Oprindelig DK premiere Dagmar Teatret 30.05.1997 - 04.09.1997 |
- | A Year Along the Abandoned Road | 06.06.2008 | - | Biffen | Super Panavision 70 | Kortfilm |
Dybet - Abyss | The Abyss | 26.04.2009 | 29.04.2009 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (Panavision Super 35) | 70mm Festival, to forestillinger
Oprindelig DK premiere Dagmar Teatret 11.10.1989-07.12.1989 |
Poltergeist | Poltergeist | 26.04.2009 | 29.04.2009 | Imperial Bio | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic JDC scope og Panavision) | 70mm Festival, fire forestillinger
Oprindelig DK premiere Palads Teatret 03.09.1982-22.12.1982 |
Fame | Fame | 27.04.2009 | 30.04.2009 | Imperial Bio | In 70mm (Panavision) | 70mm Festival, tre forestillinger
Oprindelig DK premiere Tivoli Bio 19.09.1980-30.10.1980 |
Patton - Pansergeneralen | Patton | 30.04.2009 | 30.04.2009 | Imperial Bio | Dimension 150 | 70mm Festival, to forestillinger
Oprindelig DK premiere Imperial Bio i 35mm med 4-spors magnetlyd 22.04.1970-31.05.1970 |
The Master | The Master | 13.02.2013 | 13.02.2013 | Imperial Bio | Panavision Super 70 (Panavision System 65) | En forestilling i 70mm i Imperial Bio kl 21:15
Oprindelig DK premiere Dagmar Teatret 31.01.2013-27.02.2013 |
Interstellar | Interstellar | 05.11.2014 | 09.12.2014 | Imperial Bio | Panavision + IMAX | |
The Hateful Eight | The Hateful Eight | 04.01.2016 | 10.02.2016 | Imperial Bio | Ultra Panavision 70 | |
"Dunkirk" | "Dunkirk" | 20.07.2017 | 23.08.2017 | Imperial Bio | IMAX & Panavision Super 70 (Panavision System 65) | |
"Mordet i Orientexpressen" | "Murder on the Orient Express" | 23.11.2017 | 12.12.2017 | Imperial Bio | Panavision Super 70 (Panavision System 65) | |
"Joker" | "Joker" | 03.10.2019 | 29.10.2019 | Imperial Bio | ARRI Alexa 65 | |
"Tenet" | "Tenet" | 26.08.2020 | 23.09.2021 *) | • Gentofte Kino • Imperial Bio | IMAX & Panavision Super 70 (Panavision System 65), Magellan 65mm | 2x 70mm premierekopier
*) Fortsatte efter 23. sept i blandet program med "Druk" |
"Døden på Nilen" | "Death on the Nile" | 10.02.2022 | 03.03.2022
| Imperial Bio | Panavision Super 70 (Panavision System 65) | Forpremiere 9. februar 2022 i Imperial Bio kl 18:20
Spillede 5 dage, 4 gange/dag 10. - 14. feb (torsdag - mandag) kl 12:30, 15:30, 18:20, 21:15
Herefter frem til og med onsdag den 3. marts kl 15:30 og kl 18:20. |
"Licorice Pizza | "Licorice Pizza | 30.04.2022 | 30.04.2022 | Gentofte Kino | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | Gentofte Kino Præsenterer 7OMM Filmfestival |
"KONG Skull Island" | "KONG Skull Island" | 30.04.2022 | 30.04.2022 | Gentofte Kino | | Gentofte Kino Præsenterer 7OMM Filmfestival |
"Den Vilde Bande" | "The Wild Bunch" | 27.01.2023 | 27.01.2023 | Gentofte Kino | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | Gentofte Kino Præsenterer 7OMM Filmfestival |
"Ready Player One" | "Ready Player One" | 28.01.2023 | 28.01.2023 | Gentofte Kino | | Gentofte Kino Præsenterer 7OMM Filmfestival |
"Bjørnen" | "L'Ours" | 28.01.2023 | 28.01.2023 | Gentofte Kino | Panavision 70 (35mm anamorphic) | Gentofte Kino Præsenterer 7OMM Filmfestival |
"Oppenheimer" | "Oppenheimer" | 18.07.2023
| Århus: 20.09.2023
København: 20.09.2023
Gentofte: 29.05.2024 | • Gentofte Kino • Imperial Bio • Nordisk Film Biografer Aarhus C | IMAX & Panavision Super 70 (Panavision System 65) | 3x 70mm premierekopier
Christopher Nolan fortæller hvorfor "Oppenheimer" er optaget i 15 perf. / IMAX
*) Et par gange om måneden siden oktober 2023 |
"Dune Ørkenplaneten" | "Dune" | 27.01.2024 | 27.01.2024 | Gentofte Kino | Todd-AO 35 (35mm anamorphic) | Gentofte Kino GIFF 70mm filmfestival |
"Under Himlens Dække" | "The Sheltering Sky" | 28.01.2024 | 28.01.2024 | Gentofte Kino | 70mm (35mm flat) | Gentofte Kino GIFF 70mm filmfestival |
"Dune: del 2" | - | 28.02.2024 | Århus: 02.04.2024
København: 20.03.2024
Gentofte: 25.04.2024 | • Imperial Bio • Gentofte Kino • Nordisk Film Biografer Aarhus C | 70mm | 2x 70mm premierekopier
Nordisk Film Biografer, Århus: • 28.02.2024 - 05.03.2024 • 22.03.2024 - 02.04.2024
Gentofte Kino: • 07.03.2024 - 20.03.2024 • 25.04.2024 - 23.05.2024 |
The Brutalist | - | 27.02.2025 | __.__.2025 | Gentofte Kino | 70mm (VistaVision) | Gentofte Kino 70mm filmfestival |
Top Gun | - | 01.03.2025 | 01.03.2025 | Gentofte Kino | 70mm (super 35) | Gentofte Kino 70mm filmfestival |
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