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The Rialto Cinema
Group Denmark
How The Jolly Danes Found New Happiness At The Movies
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Engelsksproget brochure
fra Rialto Film, 1973. Gengivet med tilladelse. |
19. November 2005
02-02-25 |
Dir. Preben Constantin Philipsen,
Rialto Cinema Group. Bemærk
billede af Rialtobroen i Venedig, og Bodil stauetten på bordet bag ved ham.
Billede: The Rialto Cinema
Group Denmark
I was born into the motion picture business and for 50 years I have worked in
it. I know it's nature, its fascination and its fickleness. Thousands of
pictures I have seen with or without audience. This has brought home to me
that experience a film in company with others is totally different from
watching it alone or with just a few others. Your experience is enriched when
you notice around you people laughing and jumping in their seats watching a
good farce or sitting quiet and enthralled perhaps even crushed by a great
dramatic performance. I feel happy on behalf of the director and the actors
when I see the effects on the audience of a scene whose quality I doubted when
I saw the picture alone. This has led me to the conviction that the
Television-Screen is no danger to the cinema. The cinema performance will
survive and even prosper as entertainment and as good business - and last but
not least as an independent art. But our audience is critical when they go
out. They want a beautiful theatre, comfortable chairs, a pleasant atmosphere,
perfect technical equipment, air-conditioning and so forth. This is why I have
made a point of developing attractive cinemas in which our audience feel at
For I love the film and want it to live.
Preben Philipsen
mere her:
Besøg i Rialto
Teatret den 3. august 2007
Galleri Rialto Teatret, 3.
august 2007
Rialto, Frederiksberg
Rialto Teatret
Biografer på biografmuseet.dk
Biografer Oversigt
Danmarks 70mm og Storformat Biografer
Stoleplaner - Galle &
Jessen's Oversigt over Københavnske biografer i 1950erne
Biografpremierer 1911 - 2020
Film- og Kinoteknik
7OMM Film og De Store Formater
Todd-AO, - det sensationelle
Mine damer og herrer, "Dette er
"Windjammer" i Cinemiracle
CinemaScope |
Super Technirama 70
Dimension 150
The Rialto Cinema
Group Denmark
Opgangen til Kinopalæet, København.
Kontrollør John Frøkjær byder velkommen. Billede:
The Rialto Cinema
Group Denmark
Good news! Traditional Danish good sense has survived - along with the
jolly Dane's appreciation of a few of the other good thinks in life.
Such as the livelier arts - especially the art of the film.
For some time the situation admittedly looked pretty grim and somewhat
tight. Tight! That was just about the word. Just picture the jolly
Dane, forever stuck in his chair in front of his television.
Tension mounted. It was a real cliff-hanger, not only for the regular
cinema theatres, restaurants, night clubs and other gay places of
Would the jolly Dane ever come galloping along to the rescue? Return
to the fold, bringing new prosperity with him? Or would he die of
TV-constipation in his own home, far from the world of communal
artistic experience?
Okay, so perhaps the TV-habit wasn't the sole contributory factor.
Maybe the weather was always lousy, and maybe car manufacturers had
neglected to make their seats comfortable enough for whatever car
seats used to be comfortable for.
And of course you've got to bear in mind that the Dane is
traditionally a home-loving animal. He just adores those little four
walls of his, and does most of his entertaining at home too. All told,
it seemed it would require pretty drastic measures if the jolly fellow
were going to be brought back out into the nice clean air and into the
cinemas again. But such measures were taken. Especially by the Preben
Philipsen / Rialto group of cinema theatres that sprang up as soon as
the 1972 repeal of an outdated Film Act allowed them to do so.
There are nine theatres in this group so far, all new and shining, or
at any rate rate renewed and shining, equipped with the finest
technical facilities and the most luxurious decor and seating arrangements. Just study the following pages for details of theses
theatres, which at the same time are nine easy lessons on how to get a
Dane unstuck from his living-room sofa and back where the brightest
entertainment of our day and age is being shown.
• Gå til The Rialto Cinema Group Denmark
• Gå til The Rialto Cinema Group Denmark
Within less than six months, these nine cinema theatres are doing
better business than any other combination of nine theatres that has
ever existed in Denmark - where, don't forget, films and the
film-going habbit both happened to be born.
indgang med Kontrollør John Frøkjær, der lukker ind.
Med ryggen til ses Inspektør Vagn Jensen og til højre for ham står, med alt mulig forbehold, Vagn Jensen's datter.
Billedtekst: Niels E Andersen. Billede:
The Rialto Cinema
Group Denmark
Rialto Frederiksberg
One of Copenhagen's most exclusive theatres. "Doctor Zhivago"
ran here for 2½ years. Has undergone several rebuildings and modernizations,
the latest in 1967. Has 737 seats and completely up-to-date technical
equipment. Situated in fashionable district close to other theatres, varieties,
hotels, restaurants and big stores. Good parking facilities. Only 5 minutes
from the center of Copenhagen.
• Gå til Besøg i Rialto
Teatret den 3. august 2007
• Gå til
Galleri Rialto Teatret, 3.
august 2007
• Gå til
Rialto, Frederiksberg
• Gå til Rialto Teatret
Kinopalæet, København
A modern cinema in the heart of Copenhagen - only 10 years old -
originally equipped for Cinerama. Rebuilt in 1972 at a cost of 2
million kroner. New technical equipment and screen. Number of seats
reduced from 1118 to 979 to make room for armchairs with double
arm-rests and comfortable sofas. Parking facilities both above and
below ground level. Neighbour to Copenhagen's leading
privately-owned theatre.
• Gå til
Kinopalæet, 70mm & Cinerama Luxus i Hovedstaden
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Kinopalæet (1959)
Imperial Bio, København
Copenhagen's newest and most modern premiere cinema. 1521 seats. The
theatre is equipped with the latest technical equipment and is
situated in a huge complex that includes a hotel, restaurants,
offices, service station and car park in the very heart of the
city's business and entertainment centre right next to the central
station, the air terminal and "Tivoli".
• Gå til
Imperial Bio
• Gå til
Imperial Bio
Kino, Odense
Odense (Fourth largest city in Denmark) is the birthplace of Hans Christian
Andersen and the capital of the island Funen. The theatre has562 seats and is
very stylishly appointed. The beautiful foyer is hung with irreplaceable
pictures illustrating motifs taken from Hans Andersen's fairy tales. New
technical equipment. Right on the main street (reserved for pedestrians only)
with shopping centre, restaurants, hotels, various other forms of
entertainment and a car-park for 300 cars all within easy reach.
Bio Herning
Herning (pop. 75.000) is a live wire town and expanding fast. Centre of
Denmark's textile industry and shopping and trading centre for the large
surrounding area. The theatre was rebuilt and thoroughly modernized in December
1872. It has 456 seats and completely modern technical equipment. Supermarket,
hotel, restaurant and exhibition halls are immediate neighbors and there is
parking space for 270 cars.
i Kinopalæet var der kun i ret kort tid, det var oprindelig meningen at der skulle være en slags natklub efter sidste aftenforestilling, men det blev aldrig rigtig til noget.
Diskotek leveret af FONA. På billedet ses, bag ved disken i diskoteket Grethe Lip. Hun var på det tidspunkt gift med Restautøt
Per Lip. Billedtekst: Niels E Andersen. Billede:
The Rialto Cinema
Group Denmark
Apollo Odense
A completely modern theatre in Odense with 463 seats and new technical
equipment. Situated between the centre of the town and a new big housing
development close to the main approach road from the west and just next to the
sports stadium, public swimming baths and a big supermarket. Parking for 300
cars and only 3 minutes drive from the centre of the city.
Grand Teatret, Odense
Odense's biggest, newest and most up-to-date cinema. 670 seats and the finest
technical equipment. Situated on the main street leading into the centre of
the city, close by a big traffic junction and surrounded by a large
residential area with many shops, supermarkets and public institutions - a
place many people pass every day. Plenty of parking facilities.
Kino Lyngby
Kino Lyngby is situated in Lyngby, Copenhagn's biggest suburb (po.
almost 100.000) and a natural shopping and trading centre for an
additional 350.000. Right in the town hall square, close to the
station (fast electric train services) and bus terminal - only a few
minutes from the new big Lyngby Centre (Rialto 2). Completely rebuilt
in May-July 1973 including new foyer, terrace seating with new chairs,
and the latest automatic technical equipment - only the "shell"
of the old theatre has been retained. Reopening in August 1973.
På billedet ses til venstre Inspektør Vagn Jensen. Bag ved baren Restauratør
Per Lip, de står sammen med (formentlig) Inspektør Vagn Jensen's datter.
Billedtekst: Niels E Andersen. Billede:
The Rialto Cinema
Group Denmark
Rialto 2, Lyngby
Opening September 1973
Lyngby is a wide awake town undergoing rapid expansion. A big centre
covering a total area of 116.375 m2 and parking space for 3200 cars
will be completed by September 1973. The complex will include a
theatre, hotel, restaurants, cafeterias, supermarket, department store
and 80 fashionable boutiques, etc. In the middle of the centre there
will be a hyper modern cinema with 350 seats and equipped with the
very latest cinematographic equipment.
Hillerød Biograf
/ Frederiksborg Biograf / Bio - Torvet
Bio Torvet is situated in the midst of a group of restaurants, hotels
and supermarkets in the main square of the largest town in North
Zealand, (pop. 270.000). Shopping and trading centre for entire area
of North Zealand. 400 seats. Good parking facilities. A historic town.
Associate: Gert Christensen, son of S. A. Christensen of the Rialto
Group. Remodelling under preparation.
Søborg Bio
Sole cinema in Copenhagen's second largest suburban borough (pop.
75.000). Conversion to twin cinemas is under preparation. Situated
right on the main street in a large shopping and residential area. 793
seats. Parking just behind the theatre. Associate: S. A. Christensen,
Managing Director of the RIALTO group.
Palæ Teatret,
A well-established theatre with 350 seats. Situated in the centre of
Denmark's third largest city, an old port in a large industrial and
trading area with a large hinterland. Associate: Poul Rahbek, manager
of Bio, Herning and Grand Teatret, Odense.
The Rialto Cinema
Group Denmark
In all the Rialto Group's theatres, great emphasis is placed on providing
attractive facilities that will make cinemagoers feel thoroughly comfortable
and at their ease.
Colors, soft carpets, attractive lighting and friendly service and ushers all
contribute to create a welcoming atmosphere.
While you are waiting you can fill in time at the disc bar listening to (and
buying, if you like) the latest gramophone records or tapes.
You can "just manage" to finish watching a television programme
before the film starts.
You can meet your friends in good time at the bar - or continue the
evening after the show.
No harm in having "a little dance" before or after the
A corner with soft lighting and music, comfortable chairs and
"a spot of something" on the table - and the mood is all
set for a nice cosy chat.
Modern grill-bar Japanese style. The food is prepared right in front
of where you are sitting.
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søndag, 02 februar 2025 11:53:58 |